The PERFECTS II project is an exciting new study being led by the team at St. Mark's which is looking at whether radiographers could interpret CT Colonography scans, as well as radiologists Read more
40tude is delighted to be funding the Tom Smith Research Fellowship at St. Mark's Hospital, researching the genetics of hereditary colon (bowel) cancer Read more
Personalising the surgical and medical treatment for individuals newly diagnosed with colon cancer; a collaboration between St Mark’s Hospital, The Royal Marsden Hospital and the Institute of Cancer Research Read more
40tude is sponsoring the ICAN Study, aiming to develop a blood test to spot early signs of cancer in people with Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) Read more
40tude is proud to be the lead or exclusive financial supporter of multiple multi-year studies being led by the pioneering medics at St. Mark’s, the UK's national bowel hospital, in collaboration with many other venerable institutions.
Our approach is to provide funding for early phases of specific NHS research programmes which could not move forward without our support. Watch this short film here to find out more.
Please follow the links below for details of each of the ground-breaking programmes we are currently helping to progress, and some of the pioneering projects we have helped to fund previously - all of which are targeted at improving the early diagnosis and treatment of colon cancer.
We are excited to be funding the roll-out of a new National Training and Accreditation Programme (NCTCTAP) designed to increase the availability and quality of CT Colonography screening across the NHS Read more
40tude is supporting the development of The Lynch Syndrome Cancer Prevention Study: three integrated studies with the potential to develop a new model for colon cancer prevention of those with Lynch Syndrome Read more
The PROGRESS programme at St. Mark's Hospital aims to improve current understanding of the how polyps (pre-cancerous growths) progress to become colon cancer Read more
In addition 40tude has provided funding for a number of other projects targeted at the early diagnosis and treatment of colon cancer Read more