Over three and half days at the end of this month I will be joining a fantastic team of cyclists :

riding a minimum of 231 miles/ 373 km


Climbing 13969 ft / 4258 m

in the south of France!

My intention is to raise awareness amongst friends and family of the importance of getting screened regularly from your mid 40s for colon (bowel) cancer.

To know the symptoms and act immediately if you have any concerns.

Two doctors from St. Mark's Hospital will be part of the peloton this year and we will hear first hand just how our support is making a real difference to the inspiring research programmes being lead by the team at St. Mark's.

I will be covering all the costs of the challenge myself.

Any support for this amazing charity will be greatly appreciated.

If you wish to know more about 40tude and screening please see https://www.40tude.org.uk/what-is-colon-cancer

Remember - get yourself checked out for colon cancer.

Thank you

helen hitchcock