In what is set to be one of the most unusual challenges ever undertaken for 40tude, a team of six will attempt to get from the southern tip to the northern tip (Muckle Flugga) of the Shetland Isles on Brompton bikes and inflatable kayaks.  

This extraordinary challenge is the brainchild of Brompton’s CEO, Will Butler-Adams. Renowned for its ingenious folding bikes, Brompton is now blazing a trail also in enabling its staff to get screened for colon (bowel) cancer.  This event will mark the launch of its innovative initiative to offer Enhanced FIT screening tests to all of its employees over 40, the age from which heightened awareness of colon cancer is essential.    

Ever pioneering, Brompton intends to be the exemplar for other companies to follow their initiative, to ensure more people get tested for this type of cancer, which can be prevented through regular screening.

Meanwhile the Muckle Flugga challenge might have been planned for the summer month of June, but crossing 2.5 km stretches of the North Atlantic off Shetland, in inflatable kayaks (with their Brompton bikes on board!) will be no mean feat for our brave team.  If you’d like to show your support for their efforts you can make a donation to 40tude easily via the red Donate button above.

Thank you, your encouragement will mean a great deal to our intrepid six!  The very best of luck to Will, Fraser, Nick, Gordon, xxx and xxx as you take on this remarkable challenge in support of 40tude and the mission to cure colon cancer.