“This is a very specific appeal to support the clinical staff at St Mark’s Hospital as they join their colleagues at Northwick Park.
Many of our Research Fellows, Registrars. Surgeons, Physicians, Specialist Nurses and others are working on the wards at St Mark’s and in ITU’s at Northwick Park Hospital to care for patients with Covid-19.
We have been overwhelmed with donations from schools and universities who have provided protective glasses and donations of other items and we have also had many offers of financial support. For now there are sufficient supplies of PPE equipment available nationally but the logistical challenge for the NHS is to get it to the right place at the right time.
We are supporting by enabling a consistent supply of the most vital equipment and also certain items harder to get hold of. All donations will be separated from our regular research funds and will go towards the purchase of equipment. We are buying Face Visors and Scrubs (for each member of staff to own and use individually). We are also purchasing iPads so the patients can use Facetime to communicate with their loved ones. Many patients do not have smartphones and are not able to see their family and loved ones, sometimes in their final days. This is an urgent need and we are purchasing as many as we can with the help of your support. With deep appreciation from everyone at St Mark’s Hospital.”

Donate to St. Mark' s Hospital's COVID19-Appeal
Alternatively you can donate by bank transfer:

Account Name: St Mark’s Hospital Foundation
Name of Bank: CAF Bank
Account Number: 00085102
Sort Code: 40-52-40
If donating directly please reference the word “COVID40tude” on the transfer so we ensure it is put in the right account.
Jason Bacon
Chief Executive of St. Mark's Hospital Foundation